Sunday, May 13, 2012


Our day started off with a walk to the FC Barcelona stadium - it was pretty anticlimactic because it was closed - bet its different on game day. Then we took the metro to Sagrada Familia Cathedral - aka Gaudi's work of impressive art! We got In the car and left for Valencia...when we got here we basically checked in and got back in the car to head to our first European soccer game - Villarreal vs. Aletico Madrid! It was a phenomenal experience - so much excitement and enthusiasm the WHOLE game...not a lot of fanfare or distractions...just soccer. Villarreal lost 1-0 but we are so glad we went - we now own authentic soccer scarves! The game was the highlight of our day!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel,

    Good luck and have fun! Find a way to get the pictures up!

    Doug Fuller
