Wednesday, May 16, 2012

When in Spanish...

First of all, sorry for the delay in our post...yesterday was sort of a whirlwind of a day...we got up in Valencia and drove the 3.5 hours to Madrid...which was uneventful until we had to figure out where to drop off the rental definitely felt like we were driving in a foreign country at that point! What is it with e 800 roundabouts in a that really the most efficient use of the roads?! Annnnnywaaay...we met up with the study aborad group in Madrid. We did a walking tour for a few hours and had a fabulous dinner! Today, we had our first company visit - Groupo Siro - which is one of the largest food producers in Spain (they make pasta, cereal, cakes, cookies). We did tastes tests and toured their R&D was fascinating and they were wonderful hosts, which means we got free food ;) After we drove to the ancient city of Segovia...I wish we could figure out the uploading of photos because it was so beautiful and breathtaking!! I'll figure something out before the trip ends...promise. We ate lunch and walked around the cobble stone streets...with one amazing scene after another. For dinner we had...wait for it...Hard Rock Cafe. Sorry but we needed a good happens! PS: the title was a direct quote of our friend Kristen Ciba...she obviously meant to say when in Spain, but this stuck.


  1. Hola Chicas! La Comida Americana! Muy bueno! Cuando en Espanol.........

  2. Val! I'm in Madrid now too! This is Camille btw :) call me! I want to see you! 617-608-858 (use the hotel phone or something)
