Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Scenic Route

We slept in late our first day in Valencia - it was wonderful but we were starving. We realized that we were becoming Spainards...dinner at 11 pm, breakfast at 11 am! Our breakfast was at an outdoor/sidewalk cafe (which is customary and the best way to eat a meal). We decided to explore the city and explore we did and in this case explore means read the map wrong or get lost! We made our way to The City of Arts & Sciences...it was an amazing collection of modern buildings, which houses the opera house, a science museum and other museums that we didn't go to. We took a heck of a lot of photos (sorry we can't post them...check back in...we will). After our marathon walk we did some marathon shopping - don't worry family members we thought about you while shopping ;) That night we decided to explore the nightlife...however we didn't have much luck figuring out the map...again! We would walk a few blocks thinking we didn't need to consult the map HOWEVER we went 6 inches on the map...we went in circles and ended up in the "happening" area...except there were no restaurants just bars and discos. So we walked back to find some food and we did...eventually...we had another amazing meal (because it was Italian food)! At the end of dinner (almost midnight), we decided the nightlight wasn't happening...so we went to bed. Another successful day in Spain!

1 comment:

  1. Hola Chicas!! Necesitamos las photographias, pronto! Las comidas Italianas? Estas en Espana, verdad? Donde estan las comidas Espanas? Donde estan la clase de los estudientes excelentes?
